Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away…
Actually, it was here, in the Milky Way, on the third rock rotating around a minor star (that's the Earth orbiting the Sun if you're playing along), in the U.S. of A. That's where Rick met Rick. The rest, as they say, is history. Or their story. And it goes something like this:
Actually, it was here, in the Milky Way, on the third rock rotating around a minor star (that's the Earth orbiting the Sun if you're playing along), in the U.S. of A. That's where Rick met Rick. The rest, as they say, is history. Or their story. And it goes something like this:

It was August of 1977, to be precise - when these two guys, with only a first name and middle initial in common, met in med school. It was not just any med school, mind you, but a specialized school. In the spirit of the times - there was a grassroots movement taking shape towards a beneficial relationship between humanity and nature - it was a naturopathic medical school, NCNM, the only one of its kind in the United States at the time. (There are now five Department Of Education recognized ND med schools in the U.S., and three in Canada)
Their friendship became a partnership. It was, in retrospect, inevitable. At first, they shared notes on their education, played video games for hours, drank lots of beer, played darts, more beer, shared meals. Along the way, they talked about the world, the future, and the role of the individual in shaping the future of the world. They could practically finish each other's sentences.

From these conversations came a surprising revelation: They were on the exact same wavelength about the beneficial power of effective communication. Agreed, we do have influence in each other's lives. Agreed, doctor/patient communication plays a fundamentally important role in medical outcomes. Agreed, we shape our relationships through our patterns of interaction. Agreed, the ripples of our choices go far beyond what we ourselves can observe. Agreed, patterns of communication are observable and changeable. Agreed, effective communication has the potential to make magic happen in people's lives.

Click on link titled 'Early Days'
to see a scan of the first outline for
the first Magic workshop
and flyers for the Magic series.
Through the guidance of teachers, mentors and role models, they began educating themselves in the impact of language on behavior, as an extra curricular project. After testing their observations and learnings clinically, they decided it was important to share what they'd learned. They offered a ten week workshop to their profession, peers and classmates, titled 'The Magical Nature Of Communication.'

Click on link titled Magic for
photographs from the workshop days.
The 'Magic' workshop, as it came to be known, caught on. Medical students came first, and embraced the learnings. Those who'd missed it, and some who made it, asked for it to be repeated. As word spread, invitations poured in from diverse groups asking the Ricks to bring the magic, in the form of workshops, seminars, and speeches. Soon, they were sharing their ideas and insights with groups of people working in education, business and government. By 1984, Rick and Rick realized that their workshop had become a career in speaking and training.

Click on link titled CareerTrack
to see the original
CareerTrack brochure
marketing Rick and Rick
In 1987, the Ricks begain delivering seminars for CareerTrack, the largest training company in the world at that time. They worked their magic on some of the best known organizations in the world, such as ATT, LucasFilm, and the US Army. Their unique style of 'educating through entertainment' in both live and recorded form consistently garnered them rave reviews, and a reputation as 'the Saturday Night Live" of training. Their inventive audio and video products broke records in sales, longevity, and effectiveness.

In 1994, McGraw-Hill published their first book: "Dealing With People You Can't Stand: How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst." This first edition became an international best seller with translations in 12 languages. Instead of the typical blame, shame and mind games advice found in a plethora of books on difficult people, this Ricks offered a new and more respectful approach that finds good intent behind bad behavior, and produces better results while improving the relationship.

In 1997, McGraw-Hill published their second book: "Life by Design: Making Wise Choices In A Mixed Up World," offering readers a 'personal plan for bringing out the best in yourself.' The Ricks offered readers specific directions for developing a high quality of life, improving health and well being, building supportive relationships and developing useful habits. The book was translated into several languages, including Japanese and Chinese editions.

In 2002 the second edition of Dealing With People You Can't Stand was released, containing new chapters on how to prevent and respond to difficult behavior in email and phone communication. This edition was translated into 20 languages. The wide distribution of the book meant that wherever there was trouble in the world, the Ricks would be there!
Also, 2002 marked the publication of the engaging sequel, Dealing With Relatives. Released just in time for the holidays, it includes a set of family fables for reading 'round the dinner table, along with insights and strategies to bring out the best in bossy, blaming, self-important, rebellious and timid family members.
Also, 2002 marked the publication of the engaging sequel, Dealing With Relatives. Released just in time for the holidays, it includes a set of family fables for reading 'round the dinner table, along with insights and strategies to bring out the best in bossy, blaming, self-important, rebellious and timid family members.

In 2006, McGraw Hill published their primer on service excellence, 'Love Thy Customer.' The book begins with a poetic sendup of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's famous poem, 'How Do I Love Thee,' and presents the case that providing exceptional service makes a service provider's life easier, even when customers are acting rude, crude and out of control. In the light-hearted and clear style for which they had become known, Rick and Rick offered compelling service lessons that could make a meaningful difference for people in business, with ramifications at home, and in all walks of life.

As communication and life management experts, the Doctors Rick have appeared on hundreds of television and radio shows, and have been featured on front page stories in hundreds of newspapers. They are a great interview, offering quotable sound bites and quick responses to challenging questions, and their ability to play off each other makes for some authentic and spontaneous fun that audiences love.

Click on Dr. K above to visit TheArtofChange.com Click on Dr. B above to visit RickBrinkman.com
That brings us to right now. The third edition of their first book is a reunion of sorts. Since 2004, Rick Kirschner has delivered keynote speeches and training programs through his company, The Art of Change, LLC. Rick Brinkman has delivered keynote speeches and training programs through his company, Rick Brinkman Productions, Inc. Putting their heads together again, they added three more people to the Ten Most Unwanted - Meddlers, Martyrs and Judges - the BONUS people found all too often in family relationships.
The book has been updated and reorganized for improved clarity of ideas and strategies. The subject matter of dealing with difficult people, and how to turn conflict into cooperation and better results, will certainly be of great interest to your audience. That's because everybody is somebody's difficult person at least some of the time, everybody has to deal with difficult people, and most people would like some help in dealing with them. The Doctors Rick can take the pain out of dealing with problem people for your audience. On the following pages, you will find a few media samples that demonstrate this.

We're glad you're here. Look around, and then contact us to schedule an interview with Rick and Rick. And thank you for your interest in their continuing saga!