Dealing With People You Can't Stand


We wish to thank the following people for their help and support on this project:
Our wives, Lindea K. and Lisa B., and our daughters, Aden K. and Carle B., for their encouragement, inspiration, intuituion and advice; our parents, Lois & Alan K., and Simone & Felix B., for their examples, unconditional support and faith in us; the cats for staying up late with us when no one else would; Dr. Robert Doughton, M.D., for showing us the way; our editor, Betsy Brown, for her pleasant confidence, helpful suggestions and timely responses; Jimmy and Jeff for giving us the opportunity to get the word out; Fred H and Alan S for their guidance and counsel; all the people whose names we forgot to mention; and the hundreds of thousands of people who have attended our seminars, watched our tape programs, and shared their stories with us; lastly, K & S, for teaching us to boldly go.

We dedicate this book to global peace,
which will happen when people make peace with the people they can’t stand.