(Continue to Snipe. Rip him apart.)

YOU: (Addressing the whole group) You know, some people get lost in thought because it's unfamiliar territory to them. Our man Rickles here is so dull he couldn't entertain a doubt. I noticed that he's listed in 'Whos' Who' under 'What's that?'

THE REST OF THE PEOPLE AT THE MEETING: ha, hah, ha, hah, ha,
R&R: Wait a second, we're not sure you...

YOU: Shut up R&R. I'm not falling for your tricks!
YOU: Did you know that fortune tellers are willing to read Rickles' mind for half price? Of course, if he ever had a thought it would be in solitary confinement. And if he really said what he thought, he'd be speechless.

(Three of your co-workers are now standing holding their yellow pads up high and on them it says, "9.5, 9.8, 9.7". A fourth co-worker exclaims "That looks good enough for the gold!")

RICKLES: (blubbering and his bald head bright red) Oh yeah? (Sputtering now) Well a high fiber diet will bring out the best in you!

(The Director of Marketing has packed up his stuff is walking out of the room.)

Ten Types Order the Book