
Sarcasm, teasing and put-down humor are the hallmark behaviors that characterize Sniping. And there are two kinds of Snipers: Friendly and Malicious. As you can see in the Lens of Understanding, Friendly Sniping has it's origins in the intent to Get Appreciated and the need for Attention. The Friendly Sniper has nothing against you, and Sniping is just their playful way of showing affection and getting your attention. The Malicious Sniper, on the other hand, originates in the intent to Get it Done and fulfills the need for control by seeking to undermine the control of others. When you are on the receiving end of this kind of Sniping, odds are that the Malicious Sniper is holding a grudge and feeling some resentment towards you, and this is their method for getting back at or even with you. Snipers can go so far as to spread misinformation about you behind your back to line up support for their opposition. Gossip and sabotage are also expressions of Malicious Sniping.

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