Ask Siggy the Shrink

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"QUESTION: "Hi Siggy, I got this jerk suing me. What should I do? "


Sometimes people sue because they've gotten bad legal advice. And sometimes when people instigate unjust lawsuits, it is because they feel impotent and unimportant. Since they are in denial of these repressed feelings, they misuse the system to lash out and make others wrong in the mistaken belief that this will help them to feel more important than they actually are. Unless they are very rich, eventually their 'cause' is seen for what it is (a desperate attempt to build themselves up by pulling others down), and their efforts crash and burn. And often, they must pay the court costs and damages for their arrogance and nastiness!

I suggest that you take the high road. Rather than sending out attack thoughts (which can be oh, so gratifying in the short term but produce a gummy inner planes to which attack thoughts stick and attract other attack thoughts), remember that for every action there is a reaction, and choose your actions wisely. Live in the moment whenever worry knocks at your door, count your blessings, clean up your life (to build strength for the coming days) and get a good lawyer.

Hope that helps,


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