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Dedication & Acknowledgements


Introduction: The Triangle of Choice

We define terms, present the difference between what you can and cannot control, establish the key idea of ‘making wise choices,’ and tell the story of how this book came to be written.

Part One: Choices About Fulfillment

In this section, you will begin to design your life around clear values, goals, plans and decisions.

1. Making a Stand:

We describe the specific value of specific values, and the problems that occur when value sets collide. Then we pay you handsomely for investing your time in this chapter.

2. Standing Strong

We present a strategy for clarifying and evaluating your values, then offer methods to help you use them to design your life.

3. Facing Forward

We explain the nature of goals, show you different kinds of goals, then show you how to set your goals and get from here to there.

4. Charting a Course

Though life is uncontrollable, if you fail to plan, then you’re planning to fail. With Project Swift Eagle, we offer a simple and systematic approach for directing yourself from the present into the future .

5. Holding Your Focus

You’ve taken a stand, set your course and faced forward. Steady as she goes, while we provide three methods for maintaining your direction and momentum.

6. Lightening Your Load

It’s time to deal with the subject of procrastination. We think it’s time. Soon, anyway. But first, we help you see the difference between the real and unreal choices that seem so difficult to make.

7. Getting Off the Fence

Really, this time we mean it! We provide methods for moving past procrastination!

Part Two: Choices About Habits & Energy

8. Changing Your Habits

We help you to gain insight into how your brain builds habits, and give you a strategy for replacing life-destroying habits with life-enhancing ones.

9. Learning Your Lessons

We show you how your personal history gives you the resources to change your reactions, then give you a strategy to do so.

10. Energizing Your Energy

You can’t do your best unless you have the energy to do so. We supply you with strategies to keep your system charged!

11. Increasing Your Power

We deliver the goods on eating wise, exercise, and using your mind on purpose to enjoy doing what’s good for you.

Part Three: Choices about Attitudes

12. Making Up Your Mind

We make a distinction between limiting and useful assumptions, and define the role of the uncertainty principle in the self-fulfilling nature of your thought and behavior.

13. Shattering Your Chains

Why wait for a rude awakening from a slumber of discontent? We declare the why and how so you can be free of inaction and blast through complacency now.

14. Neutralizing Negativity

We examine the daily bombardment of global stupidity so you can see it for what it is. Then, if you have the will, we offer you a time-tested way to break free of the gravity of making yourself miserable.

15. Dealing With Adversity

While the sun shines on the good and awful alike, in every life the rain must fall. We reveal how good humor, courage, compassion, and a commitment to action can help you on the sometimes rocky but always remarkable journey of life.

16. Making Some Progress

We explore the nature of creative living and provide the reason why there are no straight lines anywhere in the universe

17. Cultivating Healthy Attitudes

Here’s a list of attitudinal strategies for a healthy approach to life.

Part Four: Choices About Relationships

18. Connecting With Yourself

You’re a human being, not a human doing! We tell you the truth about time, and how to have more of it.

19. Building Bridges

Giving and receiving go hand in hand. We offer a way to get and keep yourself connected, so that you are a part of, rather than apart from, a universe of support.

20. Loving for Life

By sidestepping the pitfalls and helping your heart to grow fonder, we present you with a formula for lasting love in this often fickle world.

Part Five: Choices About The World

21. Knowing the World

In a world coming together and falling apart simultaneously, we point to how the world is a result of our individual actions and inactions.

22. Owning the World

No one is an island, and local effects have global effects. We show you how you make a meaningful difference in the way the world works out.

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